In response to Covid-19, in March 2020, I launched a Virtual Residency Programme via Instagram, called Transient. Curated by myself, Transient supports emerging and established creatives who explore the relationship between Art & Technology, offering 5-day residencies.
During these times of uncertainty, we’ve seen many art establishments having to close their doors, putting a hold on opportunities for creatives and pausing the growth of art communities. Mirroring my own interests, Transient allows creatives to connect with fellow, like- minded people from all over the world; creating an innovative, virtual space to continue to bring inspiration and conversation into creatives homes, creating a global-art network.
During these times of uncertainty, we’ve seen many art establishments having to close their doors, putting a hold on opportunities for creatives and pausing the growth of art communities. Mirroring my own interests, Transient allows creatives to connect with fellow, like- minded people from all over the world; creating an innovative, virtual space to continue to bring inspiration and conversation into creatives homes, creating a global-art network.
So far, I’ve had creatives taking part in the programme from Indonesia, North and South America, Israel, Finland, Germany, England, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and many more. Residencies are now full until mid-May 2021, so I’ve decided to pause submissions until I decide how to pursue the programme. The next step is to apply for funding, allowing me to pay creatives as well as offering a wider programme such as, virtual artist talks, group critiques, publications and more.