B.1997, Merseyside, England

Lydia Griffiths is a Fine Art graduate from Newcastle University where she was awarded a First-Class degree, Lydia is also alumni of Concordia University, Montréal, Canada. Her work is predominantly installation, combining digital art, sound, light and projection, creating multi-sensory environments.

Since 2019, Lydia has been exploring light as its own artistic material in attempt to alter the physical, sensory and temporal existence of space but also to evoke The Sublime.
The Sublime within art is defined as having the quality of such greatness, magnitude or intensity, whether physical, metaphysical, aesthetic or spiritual, that our ability to perceive or comprehend it is temporarily overwhelmed. This is something Lydia attempts to achieve within her practice, creating work that is possible of creating the strongest emotion the mind is capable of feeling, hyptnosing viewers into a world of 'thoughtless thought'.
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